sadhguru explains how doing this simple practice daily before going to bed will gradually help you to tap into chitta which is the cosmic intelligence. Chitta is mind without memory its pure intelligence. This intelligence is like the cosmic intelligence its simply there. Everything happens because of that. It does not function out of memory, it simply functions. In a way, what you call cosmos is a living mind, not in the sense of intellect but in the sense of chitta. Chitta is the last point of the mind. It connects to the basis of creation within you. It connects you with your consciousness. If you soak your intellect in chitta,which is consciousness unsullied by memory, it can grow razor sharp, turn into a miraculous tool of bliss and liberation, and deliver you effortlessly to the ultimate.
Sadhguru on touching the dimension of intelligence, known as chitta, which is unsullied by memory. If you touch that, he says, everything that is needed will simply happen in the best way for you.
Sadhguru: What you call as your body and your mind are a certain accumulation of memory. It is because of memory – or you can call it information – that your body has taken the particular shape that it has. For example, if a man eats a piece of bread, the bread becomes a man. If a woman eats it, it becomes a woman. If a dog eats the same bread, it becomes a dog. That’s a smart piece of bread! No, it is not the bread but the kind of memory that one’s system carries that transforms bread into a man, woman or dog.
Your very existence is an accumulation of memory. If we take away all the memory, you will cease to exist. This is what people mean when they talk about karma nashana – if you destroy all memory, the very being ceases to exist. That is a state of mukti because you are free from existence – you don’t have to exist anymore because your very existence in memory
Yet, there is a dimension of intelligence within you that is free, unsullied by memory. In yoga, we call this chitta. If you touch this dimension of intelligence, you can live in this entire edifice built of past memory, but you can be free of it, untouched by it. You can remain in such a way that this memory, which gives you a certain physical and psychological structure, has no influence on you.
If these aspects of life do not come into the experience of individual human beings, they will naturally seek other means for excitement. If people are not offered a way to engineer themselves the way they want to be – joyful and blissful – drink and drug will become the biggest phenomena on the planet. It is already becoming so. It has already become prevalent in the West, and it is becoming very big in urban India too. In another seventy to eighty years’ time, if we do not sweep the world with a logically correct, scientifically verifiable spiritual process, I would say 90% of human beings will be on drink and drug – chemical solutions to keep themselves pleasant.