There are 16 parts to human mind the 16 parts we will for the sake of time we will make it into four segments first segment is called as buddhi buddhi is intellect you want your intellect sharp or blunt sharp yes because if it’s not sharp it’s no good it’s not good but this sharp intellect needs the fire power of data without data it’s not sharp at anything all
Right now the next level of mind is referred to as ahankara people normally understand the word ahankara as ego something no it’s the identity identity your intellect functions only the way you’re identified right if you think I’m an Indian your intellect tells you you must die for this country if you think
I’m from the other side of the Border suddenly your intellect tells you you must die for that country so your intellect is entirely ruled by what you are identified with let’s take the analogy of a sharp knife your intellect is Like a Knife the hand which holds it determines what the knife does will it do a nice surgery and save your life or will it poke it and take your life it is not determined by the knife nowhere it happened a knife just jumped and stabbed somebody it is only the hand which is holding it which makes it and suppose this is held by let’s say a little child because his hand is not steady without any intent also he hurts himself or hurts somebody isn’t it yes
so you have a knife you have a hand but now your entire educational system and everything is focused only on sharpening the knife and providing it data what kind of hand holds it we have not looked at it so the third dimension of the mind is called as Manus .
Manus is a huge Silo of memory now how much of this memory if this body is memory and this hand holds a knife how much of this memory in what form it flows into this knife is determined by what kind of hand this is what kind of identity it is if you make your identity my family is my family values this knife will W for your family’s well-being only if you say my country it’ll do for the country if you say for something else it’ll do
if you say My Religion it’ll do for that you have no choice about this so these three aspects are in a certain way one is a silo of memory a hand which connects out and a knife which can slice things in the world can make your life or break your life or make your life and break somebody else’s life all the this human intellect can do all right everything that you see in the form of technology in the form of this and that and all the conveniences we are seeing are product of this intellect but how we use the technology whether for our well-being or not is determined by our identity memory you can’t do anything it’s there everything that you come in touch with memory is gathered so one important thing about spiritual process to move in that direction is to take a cosmic identity that you don’t identify with anything limited above all to identify with our ignorance not with our knowledge because how much ever we know it’s just a spec.
but if I don’t identify with any if I don’t have any identity then what will guide me I’m trying to come come to that see what you know is a spec in this universe neither the religious people nor the men of science know where does this Cosmos begin where does it end in such a vast Cosmos even if you grind the libraries on the planet and digest it it is still a minuscule of knowledge absolutely but your ignorance is boundless what you do not know is boundless
so we always identify with what we do not know once you identify with what you do not know your intelligence cannot sleep your body will sleep but your intelligence shall not sleep it’ll be simply on because you have ingrained that within you that you don’t know a damn thing actually you don’t know a damn thing as we sit here and talk this little mud ball of a planet is spinning and running around do you know how all this is happening and we sitting and talking we have no clue we have no clue nobody has any clue but we’ll go to the fourth one which is your interest and there is a fourth dimension of intelligence
which is called as chitt this is a dimension of intelligence which does not have an iota of memory in it it is UN blemished by memory this is very important because everything else that you know as life is imprinted with memory your body is just a body of memory your mind is just memory everything that you know around you is memory a tree is memory a tiger is memory an elephant is memory isn’t it they’re all bodies of memory of their own kind but there is an intelligence within you which does not have even a blemish of memory in it if you access that in in in the yogic lore in a very mischievous way they say this that if you access your chitt God will become your slave .